Embodied Menstrual Cycle Educator Certification
empowering women with body-based wisdom & somatic tools for cyclical living
Starting 11 June 2025
Calling all the Yoga Teachers, Coaches, Health Practitioners, Self Discovery Babes & Future Womb Educators
Welcome Beauty,
Half of the global population experiences their period at one point in their lives.
That’s a lot of menstruating humans, and yet our culture doesn’t acknowledge or value our cyclical needs.
The result?
We're left knowing very little about our own body and struggle unnecessarily with painful, missing or heavy bleeds. Each month, we navigate a myriad of PMS symptoms, and despite it all, we keep showing up.
We get overprescribed synthetic hormones as a 'cure' to these symptoms, and end up feeling disconnected from our womb and natural cycle.
On top of that, we are conditioned to believe that our bleed is shameful and an inconvenience and so, many of us lose connection to our true power!
How would your life change if you embraced your cyclical nature?
Now multiply that impact by x10, 100 or 1000, considering all the women you will be able to guide and support as a Embodied Menstrual Cycle Educator.
We created this Certification program because we believe that every menstruating human has the right to better understand how their cycle functions, know how to support their changing needs, and deserves to fall completely in love with their womb, bleed and cyclical selves.
This certification exists so you can finally get the menstrual cycle education you deserve AND you can create a positive impact by sharing this womb wisdom with other women in your community.
The menstrual movement starts with YOU!
Meet your lead teachers
This 4-Month Certification Is For You
We created this Certification for all the passionate womb messengers out there.
For the women who desire to create lasting change, for themselves, and within their communities.
The Embodied Menstrual Cycle Educator Certification program is here to turn your desires into reality.
But here’s the thing - cyclical living is not a quick fix. There is no magic pill.
And so, we're calling in those who value a holistic and embodied approach.
Women who understand that real transformation takes time.
Those that desire to create an intimate relationship with their body, womb and cycle and are ready to tune into and honor their body’s wisdom.
Because we all deserve to experience our cycle with joy, ease and deep pleasure.
Join the Soft Revolution today!
YES, I'm In!
"I’m kinder, softer, more compassionate
I feel more grounded in my power and connected to my body than ever before. There’s now an unshakeable love I have for my womb and my cycle - I finally ‘get’ her. I understand her rhythms, and I’m so grateful to dance this dance with her for the rest of my life."
- Maddison, Yoga Teacher & Retreat Facilitator

The Curriculum
Be expertly led by Jaime & Stella, both trauma informed, Somatic & Menstrual Cycle Coaches
Module 1: Language of the Female Body
This module will set the foundations of your teachings, from unpacking our herstory, to the biology and science behind the Menstrual Cycle.
- Somatics: Learning the language of the body
- Safety is Sexy: nourishing & resourcing the nervous system
- HerStory, Patriarchy & Mythology
- Reproductive Anatomy & Hormones
- Signs of Healthy Hormones vs Imbalances
- Tracking your Cycle (menstrual cycle awareness)

Module 2: Discover your Inner Seasons
This module will be a deep dive into the 4 cycle phases and the inner seasons. Exploring the hormones, energetics, emotions and the gifts of each phase.
- Cycle phase: understand, support and embody each inner season
- Cyclical Pleasure as a lifestyle
- PMS Power
- Sacred Menstruation
- Rituals & Reverence
- Body-based boundaries
Module 3: Cyclical Living Exploration
This module will explore how women can live cyclically, in a non-cyclical world. How to build and maintain a connection to your body and care for yourself as a fluctuating being.
- Cyclical Living in a non-cyclical world
- Nutrition: healing hormones from the inside out
- Period Pain Management
- Self care, movement & sensuality
- Feminine embodiment exploration
- Celebrating your wholeness

Module 4: FAM & Birth Control
This module will explore the practice of the fertility awareness method for body awareness (for self), and will cover how to navigate the topic of birth control in your teachings.
- Introduction to FAM & the key principles
- Exploration of the Birth Control Dilemma
- Birth control options & common side effects
*please note you will not be qualified to teach the full FAM method
Module 5: Facilitation & Leadership
We end our certification with a deep focus on your ability to guide and support other women in your community. You'll learn key facilitation skills, build confidence as an educator, expand on your vision and support the other women with theirs.
- Facilitation & Leadership Skills
- Person Centered Approach
- Creating workshop templates
- Cultivating & building on your unique teachings
- Assessments & supported group practices
Become a Menstrual Cycle Educator
The Training Sessions Schedule
Start Date
We begin on the 11th of June 2025, with an opening ceremony, intentionally aligned with the Full Moon Energy. A time for setting your personal and collective intentions for the program.
Mix of recorded & Live calls
We'll meet live every other weekend, Saturday and Sunday's throughout the 4-month training, with occasional mid-week calls and breaks for integration.
Calls will be approximately 2.5 hours (a mix of somatic practices, educational content and sharing/reflections).
Call times will vary and rotate between 3 main timeslots. Here are the three likely time slots that we will rotate between, which accommodates most time zones. Click on each time to see your time zone.
(Option 1: 10:30am CEST); (Option 2: 6:30pm EDT); (Option 3: 8:30am EDT)
All classes will be recorded and available for replay (and downloadable for lifetime access). There will also be some pre-recorded sessions as part of the program.
Pod Calls for Community
You’ll be assigned a small family pod group, led by one of our Mama Mentors.
Your pod is an opportunity to share, process and integrate the material in an intimate space.
You’ll meet via a monthly Zoom call to connect and explore related topics.
Integration Practices for Embodiment
Every other week you'll receive a new practice for self enquiry and embodiment of the teachings.
Practices will be reviewed by your Mamma mentor who will share their personal impact on each exercise to guide you on your learning journey.
As this is an online Certification training program, with a large emphasis on somatic experiencing, you will be required to record yourself completing the embodiment practices.
Assessments for Certification*
Assessments for integration of the course material will be given following each module.
Final practicums are also required and are part of the Certification process.
These are wonderful opportunities for you to practice sharing this work in a safe and welcoming container.
*This is optional for those joining the program for personal development and not seeking certification.
"I can honestly say this program changed my life..."
What's Included
✓ 4-months of education (roughly 80 hours)
✓ 2 Lead Facilitators, both trauma informed, expert Somatic & Menstrual Cycle Coaches
✓ Guest Teachers (specialized in the field)
✓ Support Pod groups & Mentorship (an intimate space to share with other participants)
✓ Integration Practices & Somatic Embodiment practices every other week
✓ Comprehensive Training Manual (PDF)
✓ Pre-made workshop templates so you can go straight out after certifying to share your message to 100's of women!
✓ Access to recorded material for life
limited spaces available

"Healing and transformative are the first words that come to mind for this program
I cried almost every session. I laughed, I got angry at society, and I left feeling blessed to be a woman. I’m grateful to have been part of the program."
- Lucie, Yoga Teacher
Becoming a Certified Embodied Menstrual Cycle Educator
Benefits & Beyond

You will move through your own journey, deepening your connection to your female body, womb and cyclical nature. Pealing back layers of conditioning to liberate yourself and access greater freedom and empowerment from within.

Get access to high-level menstrual cycle education that integrates the science of your hormones with body-based practices and a trauma-informed lens, so you can show up empowered and ready to share this knowledge with other women.

Bi-monthly integration practices that allow you to embody the teachings and apply them practically into your everyday life. Helping you to establish a cyclical lifestyle that is easeful and natural, and becomes intuitive.

Whether you are starting a new career or will integrate this education into your current offerings - you will help facilitate powerful shifts in how women relate to and experience their menstrual cycles.

You'll learn how to confidently facilitate menstrual cycle education through guided live sessions, the support of your pod group and will have access to workshop templates and teaching frameworks so you have the necessary tools and experience to start sharing womb wisdom within your community.

We know that magic happens when women gather. Develop deep and meaningful connections with other women and create the community you desire. Both with the women in the certification and expanding out to all the women you will guide and inspire with your work.
Meet Your Lead Facilitators

Hi Love, I’m Jaime, the Founder of Cyclical Living for Women
I’m a trauma informed Holistic Menstrual Coach, a Fertility Awareness Method Educator, Somatic Practitioner & a creator of transformational Feminine Embodiment journeys of +6 years.
I guide women to liberate themself from the deep patriarchal and capitalist conditioning. Guiding women to reclaim their female body, their menstrual cycle, and to re-sensitise so they can attune to the wisdom of their body...
Hi beauty, I’m Stella, the co-founder of womens wisdom collective
I'm a trauma-informed Somatic Educator & Menstrual Cycle Coach with over seven years experience - guiding women back to the innate wisdom of their bodies.
This work wasn’t something I chose - it chose me.
It’s the natural unfolding of my passion for holistic health, feminine empowerment, and self-love...

"I felt like this knowledge was being embodied & etched deeply within me
I highly recommend this certification program. It was deeply transformative, and the information is something I believe every woman should know - it empowers you to make informed and embodied decisions about your menstrual health and to guide others on their journey."
- Hannah, Yoga Teacher
"I can feel in my heart that there is no other direction for me than to share this information with other women.."
This Certification will enable you to guide women to:
❖︎ Understand how to cultivate healthy hormones from the inside out
❖︎ Create a sustainable cyclical lifestyle with ease
❖︎ Integrate simple and tangible practices to begin the cyclical journey
❖︎ Have a greater understanding of the herstory and ancient matriarchal practices
❖︎ Unlearn much of our patriarchal conditioning
❖︎ Learn the effects of birth control & natural contraceptives
❖︎ Close the existing knowledge gap around menstrual cycle education and empower the next generation
❖︎ Confidently facilitate menstrual cycle teachings
❖︎ Hold space for others (women circles, workshops, 1:1 settings)
❖︎ Adapt your current offerings with a cyclical lens
❖︎ Guide women through somatic practices to facilitate connection to their body, womb and cycle.
❖︎ Tap into your sensuality and connect to pleasure based cyclical practices
❖︎ Expand your business and create a positive impact in the lives of others